• Manufacturer-Packed HPLC Columns for Every Application

Columns (LC)

Manufacturer-Packed HPLC Columns for Every Application

Oct 17 2016

MACHEREY-NAGEL, a pioneer in chromatography, introduced NUCLEOSIL® HPLC columns into the market more than 40 years ago. The spherical NUCLEOSIL® silica is still exclusively manufactured by MN. The columns are often used in quality control around the globe for validated methods. Only manufacturer-packed NUCLEOSIL® columns are still available from MACHEREY-NAGEL and authorised distributors.

For nearly 15 years, they have supplemented their successful NUCLEOSIL® column range by columns packed with the fully synthetical silica NUCLEODUR® – a state-of-the-art silica for professional solutions. Several different surface modifications have been developed over the last years providing a full range of specified HPLC phases. Surface deactivated phases (e.g., C18 Gravity-SB, C18 Pyramid, Sphinx RP, Phenyl-Hexyl, PFP) are well-suitable for separations of basic and acidic analytes with high peak symmetry. C18 ec and C8 ec modifications with a pore size of 110 Å are modern standard phases for low molecular analytes – C18 ec and C4 ec with 300 Å for proteins and peptides. NUCLEODUR® C18 HTec is the preferred phase for preparative HPLC.

A few years ago, MACHEREY-NAGEL introduced NUCLEOSHELL® columns packed with a superficially porous silica for highest efficiency in HPLC. The core-shell phases RP 18, RP 18plus, Phenyl-Hexyl, PFP, and HILIC are offered with the highly efficient particle size of 2.7 µm. Especially for an allowed transfer of Pharmacopoeia methods, the important modifications NUCLEOSHELL® RP 18 and more polar RP 18plus are also available with the particle size of 5 µm.


For further information visit: www.mn-net.com/HPLC

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