• Increased Productivity: Continuous Chromatography Technology from YMC

    Columns (LC)

    Increased Productivity: Continuous Chromatography Technology from YMC

    By using continuous chromatography, you can significantly increase the productivity of your process. In addition, the costs and ecological footprint of the process can be reduced. Continuous LC systems as well as the appropriate column technology and high-performance stationary phases complete the ideal set-up for each of your applications. The process can be applied to all relevant types of products: from small molecules to large biomolecules and viral particles.

    The Principle: Increasing the Process Yield by Automatically Recycling Side Fractions

    In preparative batch chromatography, there is a yield vs. purity trade-off due to impurities overlapping with the product. Continuous chromatography techniques (MCSGP) overcome this limitation. While in batch (single column) chromatography, impure side fractions have to be discarded or require re-chromatography, continuous chromatography techniques achieve higher yield by internal recycling of the impure side fractions that contain product. The YMC technology directly increases the overall productivity.

    The unique and highly efficient twin-column countercurrent processes include various techniques of continuous chromatography: CaptureSMB, MCSGP (Multicolumn Countercurrent Solvent Gradient Purification), N-Rich

    YMC Contichrom CUBE and YMC Contichrom TWIN

    YMC offers a scalable twin-column technology with an innovative dynamic process control concept. The Contichrom CUBE is a flexible purification system for process development of small molecules as well as biotherapeutics such as proteins, mAbs, mRNA, peptides, and oligonucleotides. The unique twin-column design and software enables a greater range of functionality for optimal purification including batch, integrated batch and continuous countercurrent processes. The YMC Contichrom CUBE is a 100-bar system with a choice of 36 or 100 mL/min pumps. Accessories include multi-wavelength detectors, a large capacity fraction collector, and column thermostats.

    Contichrom TWIN systems are used operate to batch, integrated batch and continuous countercurrent processes developed on the Contichrom CUBE. They are available in different sizes for a wide flow rate range up to 2000 L/h and meet the requirements for manufacturing under GMP.

    Perfect Completion: Complete Solutions for Continuous Chromatography with YMC

    Increased process productivity needs modern process resins and stationary phases. YMC offers modern stationary phases and process resins for the efficient purification of nearly every target substance. BioPro IEX includes high-performance ion exchange media (IEX) specifically designed for the purification of biomolecules such as proteins, antibodies, peptides and oligonucleotides. The preparative stationary phase YMC-Triart Prep is based on an innovative hybrid-silica and combines mechanical strength and pH stability. Therefore, it is the first choice RP stationary phase for the purification of all types of molecules including biotherapeutics.

    YMC offers a broad range of chromatographic columns for efficient purifications using the Contichrom CUBE. This includes prepacked columns in various formats packed with the stationary phases from YMC, as well as robust and reusable glass columns for self-packing or as prepacked columns.

    For more information about continuous chromatography and further YMC solutions have a look in our new brochure or visit our website.


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