Electrophoretic separations
New method for identification of novel proteins developed
Feb 01 2012
A new method for the identification of novel proteins has been developed by G-Biosciences, allowing researchers to get a better view of less abundant proteins.
Fraction-FOCUS is a simple and reproducible method of serial fractionation of total cellular proteins. Using proven technology, it is able to fractionate and concentrate all proteomes into multiple fractions. This allows the less abundant proteins to be viewed within a highly dynamic range.
Researchers can simplify a protein mixture through fractionation. This reduce the amount of protein species that are loaded into the gel matrix. By generating less crowded individual protein maps, there is a suitable resolution of proteins for analysis.
The interpretation and analysis is improved using the kit that significantly simplifies the protein composition and improves the resolution through 2D maps. The kit is fully compatible with 2D electrophoresis or isoelectric focusing, as well as other applications.
Clinical research and diagnostics will benefit significantly from the depletion of highly abundant proteins such as albumin and IgG, in gaining clearer and more accurate results.
Posted by Fiona Griffiths
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