Leigh Greenham

The CoGDEM Guide to Gas Detection

Leigh Greenham Hardback

Now available as an eBook from Amazon>>

Industrial gas detectors form an important part of safety systems designed to protect users from the harmful effects of flammable, toxic or asphyxiant gases. These gases can cause explosions, damage health or deplete the oxygen content of the air. Consequently, accurate gas detection is vital for protecting human life as well as process plant and the environment.

This practical guide has been written by CoGDEM (the Council of Gas Detection and Environmental Monitoring) to assist users or specifiers of gas detection equipment. The book begins with a quick reference for selecting a gas detection system, which outlines the most salient points. There is more detail on this topic as well as on a variety of other areas such as gas detection requirements and training, sensor technologies, and instrument calibration and maintenance. There is also information on the science of gases and lists of relevant reference documents. The book covers UK, EU and global regulations and standards.

The chapters are written by key experts, providing comprehensive information for novice and experienced industry professionals in the gas detection field.

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background to this Guide
1.2 Safety
1.3 CoGDEM: The UK Trade Association for the Gas
Detection Industry

Chapter 2 A Quick Guide to Selecting a Gas Detection System
2.1 Types of Gas Hazards
2.2 Selecting for Your Concentration Range
2.3 Environmental Considerations: Open Path, Point
Source, Portables?
2.4 Gas Detection System Selection

Chapter 3 The Chemistry and Dangers of Gases
3.1 The Structure of Gas Molecules
3.2 States of Matter
3.3 Molecular Energies
3.4 Gas Characteristics Important to Gas Detection
3.5 Gas Distribution and Gas Detection
3.6 Units of Measurement
3.7 Routinely Monitored Gases
3.8 Gas Detection and its Role in Safety Management
3.9 Staff Training
Further Reading

Chapter 4 Gas Detection Requirements and Training
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Hazardous Area Safety
4.3 Performance Requirements
4.4 FSM
4.5 Training

Chapter 5 Sensor Technologies
5.1 Oxygen
5.2 Carbon Dioxide and Infrared Photometry (also forHydrocarbons)
5.3 Inert and Asphyxiant Gases – Thermal Conductivity Sensors
5.4 Toxic Gases
5.5 Flammable Gases – Pellistors
5.6 VOCs
5.7 Gas Leak Detection
Further Reading

Chapter 6 A Guide to Gas Detector Selection
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Equipment Types
6.3 Selection (Considerations)
6.4 Installation and Use
6.5 Maintenance
6.6 Specifications Explained

Chapter 7 Calibration
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Calibration Concepts
7.3 Calibration Methods
7.4 Factors Affecting Calibration
7.5 Gas Cylinder Technology
7.6 Glossary of Terms
vi The CoGDEM Guide to Gas Detection

Chapter 8 Performance Evaluation
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Test Conditions
8.3 Mechanical Tests
8.4 Environmental Tests
8.5 Accuracy and Stability
8.6 Electrical/Electronic Tests
8.7 Software Evaluation

Chapter 9 Reference Documents
9.1 Standards List
9.2 Other Useful Information Sources
Appendix 1 An Overview of CoGDEM
A1.1 History
A1.2 CoGDEM’s Objectives
A1.3 Benefits of Being a Member of CoGDEM
A1.4 Categories of CoGDEM Membership
Appendix 2 Non-industrial and Domestic Gas Detection

Author Biography

Leigh Greenham is a chartered engineer whose career has focused on electronic instrumentation. He graduated from Loughborough University with a degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, having been sponsored by Kent Instruments, now part of ABB. His early career involved the design of instrumentation for the process industries, and included a 2-year contract in Japan.
In 1990, Leigh moved into the world of industrial gas detection, and was appointed Technical Director of Crowcon Detection Instruments (part of the Halma Group) for the next 15 years.

Crowcon’s products cover most of the categories of gas detectors featured in this Guide, including personal, portable, transportable and fixed equipment using remote gas detectors as well as sampling systems. The sensing technologies used by Crowcon encompass most of those covered in Chapter 5 of this Guide.
Crowcon had been a founder member and strong supporter of CoGDEM since it was formed in the 1970s. Leigh’s involvement with CoGDEM began as soon as he joined Crowcon, becoming a member of several of the standards’ working groups and chairing the Industrial Sub-Group.
Leigh left Crowcon in 2005 to set up Electromagnolia Ltd, a consulting company which conducts instrumentation project work, including market research, product certification, sensor selection, product design/management and technology training and presentations. Electromagnolia is contracted to run the day-to-day activities of CoGDEM, which alongside the industrial gas detection activities, has involved Leigh in the subject of domestic carbon monoxide poisoning, including lobbying activities with various Government departments and trade organisations.
Throughout his career, Leigh has authored and co-authored many gas detection articles, which have been subsequently published in technical journals, and he has presented at global symposia. He has convened BSI standards working groups and is on the steering groups of several industry organisations.

Leigh Greenham is a chartered engineer whose career has focused on electronic instrumentation. Having been Technical Director of Crowcon Detection Instruments for 15 years, he has a detailed knowledge of all aspects of safety gas detection.  Leigh now runs Electromagnolia Ltd, a consulting company, and is the technical advisor to CoGDEM, the trade association for the gas detection industry.
Throughout his career, Leigh has authored and co-authored many gas detection articles, and he has presented at global symposia. He has convened BSI standards working groups and is on the steering groups of several industry organisations.

Take a look at the book in a page turning digital version by clicking HERE>> - To view all the pages, the book needs to be ordered.



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