Frederick D Gordon & Gregory K Freeland

International Environmental Justice

Frederick D Gordon & Gregory K Freeland Perfect

Now available as an eBook from Amazon>>

Environmental justice encompasses the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people – regardless of race, class or colour – with respect to the development, implementation and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations and policies that could negatively impact their lifestyles.  The focus of this volume is to offer a critical perspective, which advances the idea that environmental management and human rights are inherently interrelated.

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This book offers a unique angle on this complex topic by providing an understanding of environmental justice from both a United States and an international perspective.  Each chapter covers a different case study that examines people and groups who have been unfairly exposed to unreasonable environmental conditions in different parts of the world.

Essential reading for those with an interest in the social impact of environmental issues, this book also will be of benefit to environmental planners and regulatory bodies.  The book’s approach is interdisciplinary and features cross-curriculum perspectives including anthropological, business, sociological and cultural viewpoints.


Table of Contents

The Editors
The Contributors

Chapter 1 Introduction: An Understanding of Environmental Justice

1.1 Introduction
1.2 International focus and terminology used
1.3 Domestic perspective
1.4 The advent of the modern environmental movement
1.5 Emergence of the environmental justice movement
1.6 Government response to environmental justice
1.7 Environmental justice into the 21st century
1.8 Aligning environmental justice and the EJM
1.9 International environmental justice
1.10 Framework

Chapter 2 Achieving Environmental Justice in the USA:
A Grassroots Perspective from California’s Central Coast

2.1 A grassroots view of environmental justice in the
United States
2.2 Environmental justice and the Central Coast: an analysis of
environmental justice in two Central Coast counties
2.3 South Oxnard: developing an expanding grassroots agenda
for environmental justice
2.4 Conclusion: in California’s Central Coast and the United
States, immigrants are playing a key role in defining and
addressing the expanding environmental justice agenda

Chapter 3 Pipeline to Environmental Justice: The Anti-Liquid
Natural Gas Movement in Malibu and Oxnard, California

Gregory K. Freeland
3.1 Broken Hill Proprietary Billiton’s LNG plans
3.2 OLNGM organisers and organisation strategy
3.3 2003–2007: cycle of the anti-LNG movement
3.4 OLNGM strategy overview
3.5 Summary

Chapter 4 Tulum, Mexico: A Case Study Modelling Collaboration
for Access to Clean Water for Indigenous Peoples

Dawn Alexandra Murray, Barbara Savage and Gail
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Ocean currents and plastic
4.3 Ecology of the area
4.4 History of the people
4.5 Development in Tulum
4.6 Environmental justice issues
4.7 Forces affecting indigenous people
4.8 How to engage and inspire youth
4.9 Collaboration

Chapter 5 Petroleum Extraction, Indigenous People and
Environmental Injustice in the Ecuadorian Amazon

Flora Lu
5.1 ‘The devil’s excrement’
5.2 Petroleum extraction from an international environmental
justice perspective
5.3 A tale of three villages
5.4 The Oriente and the Huaorani
5.5 Part one: Oryx’s seismic exploration
5.6 Part two: return to normalcy?
5.7 Part three: living along the oil road in Gareno
5.8 Conclusions

Chapter 6 Towards Environmental Equity in Nepalese Community

Krishna K. Shrestha
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Environmental equity in community forestry
6.3 Community forestry in Nepal
6.4 Research methods
6.5 Results
6.6 Discussion
6.7 Conclusion: towards environmental equity in Nepalese CF

Chapter 7 Lesotho: A Peculiar Case of Environmental Justice
Frederick D. Gordon

7.1 Introduction
7.2 Environmental justice
7.3 International environmental justice
7.4 Neofunctional theory
7.5 Lesotho–South African relations
7.6 Understanding traditional ways of life
7.7 Lesotho Highlands Water Project
7.8 International environmental justice and the LHWP
7.9 Conclusion

Chapter 8 Forgotten Voices: Indigenous Rights and Justice in
Environmental Politics

Martin Adamian
8.1 The development of international law
8.2 International environmental law
8.3 Indigenous rights in international law
8.4 The rights of peoples to self-determination
8.5 Cultural integrity
8.6 Biological and ecological integrity
8.7 Adequacy of international law and indigenous rights
8.8 Collective rights
8.9 Conclusion

Author Biography

Gregory K. Freeland is Professor and Chair of the Political Science Department at California Lutheran University. His professional interests are social movements, culture and politics in the United States and the Caribbean region. He teaches classes on Latin American/Caribbean politics, music and the Civil Rights Movement, and Social Movements. Among his recent projects is a Faculty Fellowship funded by the Randolph and Flora Haynes Foundation to study civic engagement (redistricting) in Ventura County, California. He has written on Caribbean environmental sustainability (‘Preparedness for rain during sunny weather’ in Caribbean Development Review, 2007), music and social movements (‘We’re a winner: music and the black power movement’ in Social Movement Studies: Journal of Social, Cultural, and Political Protest, 2009) and the immigrant rights movement (‘Negotiating place, space, and borders: the new sanctuary movement’ in Latino Studies, 2010). He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of California Santa Barbara.

Frederick D. Gordon is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Columbus State University. He heads the Environmental Policy Track in the MPA programme and has written extensively on water policy domestically and internationally. His book Freshwater Resources and Interstate Cooperation Strategies to Mitigate an Environmental Risk (SUNY Press, 2008) has been reviewed in notable places such as the University of Denver Water Law Review and the International Water Management Institute in Sri Lanka. He holds a Masters Degree in Public and International Affairs from the University of Pittsburgh and a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Southern California.




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