• Philippine HPLC test results on flour pending
    The wheat-based products were deemed safe


Philippine HPLC test results on flour pending

High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) results from samples of Turkish flour exports to the Philippines are yet to be released, despite a blanket clearance on the goods as safe.

According to the national Enquirer newspaper, acting director of the country's Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Nazarita Tacandong approved the wheat-based products following a preliminary test.

In a decision the publication described as "fishy", the FDA branded the flour as "safe and fit for human consumption" after fears that it contained cancer-causing mycotoxins.

Calling HPLC testing more thorough than the initial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay system employed, the Enquirer speculated as to why the goods were cleared so soon.

"Can't Tacandong wait for the HPLC result before issuing any blanket clearance, if such a thing is indeed warranted by test results?" it asked.

Earlier this month, the Philippines Department of Health announced it took six samples of flour for primary testing, with five from Turkish sources and one a local provider.



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