• New Software Qualifies Liquid Chromatography nearly twice as fest as paper-based methods


New Software Qualifies Liquid Chromatography nearly twice as fest as paper-based methods

Waters Corporation announces an expansion of its liquid chromatography system qualification tool for its Empower Chromatography Software. The new Enpower™ Systems Qualification Tool (SystemsQT™) which has been available only for Waters instruments, now supports Agilent® 1100 and 1200 series HPLC Systems in laboratories that have standardised on Waters® Empower Systems QT Tool reduces the amount of time to qualify Agilent HPLC’s by 40% when compared to traditional, paper-based protocols.

As resource-strapped laboratories today seek to cut costs and increase operational efficiency, the Empower SystemsQT Tool gives laboratories a means to replace what are now paper-based and labour-intensive
qualification / re-qualification protocols with a new standard for automated and 21 CFR Part 11 compliant qualification. For regulated laboratories with large numbers of liquid chromatographs, the savings can be dramatic.
Streamlining the qualification process reduces downtime and increases instrument utilization rates as well as return on investment (ROI) while keeping laboratories in a state of full 21 CFR 11, EU Annex 11, EU GMP (PIC/S) and 21 CFR Part 211 compliant.



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