• Tetrahydrocannabinol Metabolite, Taurine and Carotenoids


Tetrahydrocannabinol Metabolite, Taurine and Carotenoids

Dec 12 2013

MicroSolv Technology Corporation, USA manufacture the unique Cogent TYPE-C™ silica hydride HPLC phases. These phases show improved column bleed and increased stability over traditional silica based phases. In addition to the unique Cogent TYPE-C™ silica hydride HPLC phases MicroSolv also manufacture a range of high purity Type B silica columns including longer chain C27 and C30 phases. A wide range of application notes are available and summaries of three of these are below.

Analysis of Tetrahydrocannabinol Metabolite in Urine on Cogent Phenyl Hydride

9-Carboxy-11-nor-delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol is the main metabolite of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), formed in the body after consumption of cannabis. The compound stays in the body for a significant time, making it useful as a test compound for cannabis use. Following extraction of this cannabis metabolite from urine by SPE, it was successfully analysed by LC-MS using a Cogent Phenyl Hydride column, based on Type-C silica. For the full application note click here.

LC-MS Analysis of Taurine, a Polar Sulphonate Compound on Cogent Diamond Hydride

Taurine is a non-essential sulphur-containing amino acid. It is used in food and pharmaceutical formulations, including many popular energy drinks. It is also found naturally in animal tissues and is a major constituent of bile. The high polarity of taurine creates a challenge for the reversed-phase HPLC of the underivatised compound. Cogent Diamond Hydride columns have been shown to provide excellent retention and peak shape under aqueous normal phase conditions for the LC-MS analysis of taurine. For the full application note click here.

Separation of Carotenoids on Cogent C30 (High PurityType B Silica Columns)

Carotenoids are a broad class of more than 600 compounds, consisting of two main types. Carotenoids with molecules containing oxygen are known as xanthophylls, whereas unoxygenated carotenoids are known as carotenes. Carotenoids are usually lipophilic due to the presence of long unsaturated aliphatic chains, which often have only subtle differences in structure. In addition to the conventional reversed-phase interactions of C18 columns, Cogent C30 shows shape selectivity which helps separate the isomeric structures of carotenoids. Please contact us for the full application.

The full range of Cogent TYPE-C™ HPLC phases includes Silica-C, Bidentate C18, Bidentate C8, Phenyl Hydride, UDC Cholesterol, Diamond Hydride, Bidentate C8 300Å and new UDA.

For further information on Cogent TYPE-C™ silica hydride phases or Cogent high purity Type B phases contact authorised distributor Hichrom Limited via email or visit the website.

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