Volume 8 Issue 3


In this issue:


  • Strategies for the Characterisation of Biopharmaceuticals
  • Advances in Multi-mode Mass Spectrometry for Tissue Imaging Studies
  • A Multi-Platform Approachfor Metabolomic Analysis of Human Liver Tissues
  • Automation Arrives: Fully automated Bligh and Dyer extraction and dual-column analysis for metabolomics analyses of tissues and cells
  • Improvement in Speed and Reproducibility of Protein Digestion, and Peptide Quantitation Utilising Novel Sample Preparation Technology in a Full Solution Workflow
  • CIMac- HSA Monoliths Increase Throughput and Sensitivity of Proteomic Studies of IVF Media by Rapid Albumin Depletion


  • Streamlining the Use of High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Data to Fingerprint Adulterated Honey using Multivariate Data Analysis to Facilitate Food Product Quality Control
  • Automated Development of Reversed-Phase HPLC Methods For Separation of Chiral Compounds
  • Determining Inorganic Anions in Drinking Water
  • Fusion QbD and the ‘Perfect Storm’ of Technologies Driving QbD-aligned LC Method Development
  • Revisiting Data Integrity and Chromatography Data System (CDS) Software
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October 2023

In This Edition Modern & Practical Applications - Accelerating ADC Development with Mass Spectrometry - Implementing High-Resolution Ion Mobility into Peptide Mapping Workflows Chromatogr...

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JASIS 2024

Sep 04 2024 Chiba, Tokyo, Japan

BMSS-BSPR Super Meeting 2024

Sep 04 2024 University of Warwick, Coventry, UK

Mass Spectrometry 2024

Sep 10 2024 Rockville, MD, USA

Plastics Recycling World Expo Europe

Sep 11 2024 Brussels, Belgium

CE Pharm 2024

Sep 15 2024 Costa Mesa, CA, USA

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